Music for Bloodbrothers
I wrote some intro/outro music for The Bonus Points' Let's Play series on the 2015 FromSoftware game, Bloodborne, published by Sony Interactive Entertainment.
Check out the full series here.

This is the music that plays at the start of each video in the series. Looking at the setting of the original game, I went for a sound world inspired by Brahms to help fit the era it's set in, while keeping it cinematic with BBC Symphony Orchestra strings and timpani from a Spitfire instrument pack. The approach of the final chord is taken from the ending of most Romantic symphonies, but is also directly inspired from other YouTube intros I have heard.
My goal with this track was to take the intro and scale it down not only in its duration but also in articulations. For example, that big ending chord with the strings short attack now becomes a gentle pluck. Otherwise, all of the ideas from the intro are summarized here.